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Expanded metal as a building material

Thanks to its numerous flexible properties, expanded metal can be used in a variety of ways as a building material, for example as a plaster base, protective fencing or fall protection:

Ceiling coverings

Expanded metal is also often used as ceiling cladding. It can help to create an interesting and modern look while ensuring good acoustics in the room.

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Safety fences and protective grilles

Expanded metal is also frequently used as a safety fence or protective grille, for example to secure exhaust openings, machinery or other dangerous areas in buildings.

Railings and fall protection

Expanded metal is often used for railings and guardrails as it offers a high level of stability and safety. It can be used in various designs and patterns to suit the architectural style and requirements of the building.

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Expanded metal in interior design

Expanded metal can also be used in interior design, for example as room dividers, furniture cladding or for designing staircases. Expanded metal furniture is also a modern and elegant option for interior design.

The special design and open structure of the furniture pieces lend any room an airy and stylish atmosphere.